Smart meters for a more sustainable future

Smart meters for a more sustainable future

Smart meters are becoming a key element for a cleaner energy system. They replace our existing electricity and gas meters and tell us more about the energy we use. 

It is time for us to change our attitude to sustainability. Human activity is creating incredible damage to our environment, which is caused by our excessive energy consumption and production of harmful emissions.

However, as highlighted by David Attenborough, the famous environmentalist: “We are, after all, the greatest problem solvers to have ever existed on Earth… Surely working together, we are powerful enough to save it.” New technologies are now giving us the opportunity to better monitor our energy consumption, which is going to play an essential role in our efforts to fight climate change.

Within all the new devices that have been developed over the last few years, smart meters are becoming an essential tool in the creation of a more sustainable future. They are good for the planet, but also for our wallet: by 2026, the international total shipment of smart meters is estimated to reach 198.53 million units.

Smart meters for a more sustainable future
What are the benefits of smart meters?
  1. No need to send meter readings: smart meters automatically submit readings to suppliers.
  2. Track usage and expenses: smart metering systems are equipped with a display that shows exactly how much energy is being used and its associated cost. That alone promotes good energy habits, with energy savings up to 50%.
  3. Accurate bills: smart meters enable consumers to only be billed for what they use, with no more wrong estimates.
  4. Highlights faults: thanks to constant monitoring smart metering systems allows users to identify sudden spikes that may be caused by faulty appliances. Early identification allows for early and safe fix. 

However, smart meters are doing much more than saving energy in homes: in fact, their installation across the larger electrical grid can be key in the development of a more sustainable future.

The development of ‘smart grids’

Apart from helping people have a more efficient use of their energy, a widespread installation of smart metering systems can exponentially increase the level of efficiency at which the energy grid operates, creating what we call smart energy grid. Different from traditional energy grids, smart grids leverage different devices to unlock a completely new level of intelligence and efficiency.  

How can smart grids support a more sustainable future?

By 2050 it is estimated that almost 70% of the global population will live in urban areas, which make it more necessary than ever for cities to have a sustainable and reliable source of power. 

Thanks to smart grids, the flow of energy can be managed more efficiently, as sensors, networks and smart meters enable operators to detect outages and power demand surges in real-time, and to adapt accordingly in order to ensure efficiency. Another advantage of smart grids is that they allow users for a smoother integration of renewable energy sources, while giving them the possibility to sell extra energy storage they might have. 

What does all that mean?

We have enough data to know that smart grids can play a central role for the creation of more livable urban areas that have less of a negative impact on our planet. Smart grids provide environmental benefits through demand reduction, renewable integration and conservation. However, those benefits cannot be achieved without our involvement and education: we need to become smart consumers that leverage these highly advanced technologies to change their habits and co-create a more sustainable future. 

Move-X is leading change in this field. We provide the latest modules to design smart metering systems to save energy, money and time. We are committed to work closely with our clients to understand their needs and find the best solutions to their problems. 

Smart meters for a more sustainable future

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